The Bible: We believe in the inspiration of Scripture in the original autographs. We do not believe this inspiration extends to translations. We do believe God has preserved His word through the ages. This preservation of the Bible is God’s work; therefore we have an inerrant Word which is the final authority in all issues of faith and practice.
God: We believe in one God in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, perfect and unchangeable in all of His attributes and persons.
Jesus Christ: We believe God the Son, Jesus Christ, is the only atonement for sin and He atoned for sin once and for all by His sacrifice of Himself on the cross on which He shed His precious blood and then arose in His physical body. We believe the power of salvation is in that resurrection from the dead.
Holy Spirit: We believe in God the Holy Spirit, The Comforter. Who was sent as our earnest, a promise of God’s return for His own. He presently works in the lives of man to convict and turn from sin. It is His ministry to regenerate, sanctify, comfort, and seal forever those who believe in Jesus Christ.
The Devil/Satan: We believe Lucifer the fallen angel, is Satan and He is in fact is a real person who is the great deceiver and accuser of the brethren. He is god of this world who according to 1 Cor 4:4 has blinded the eyes of those which believe not and keeps them from seeing the truth of God.
Salvation: We believe salvation is free. It is a gift of God to those who would accept what Christ has done on the cross. This is a gift and there is no merit on the basis of works that will grant one favour with God thereby allowing one grace to enter into heaven. There is no saving grace to good works. It is a natural outcome of a repentant heart that is right with God. We believe the two essential doctrines are repentance and faith.
The Lord’s Return: We believe the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be a physical bodily return, personal, and visible; and that it will be pre-millennial, pre-tribulation. We believe that Christ’s return is imminent. He may return at anytime. There is nothing we watch for or must happen preceding His return to take His children home.
The Local Church: We believe the Lord Jesus Christ founded the Church. We believe that a church is made up of those who have accepted Christ as Saviour by trusting Him alone for salvation from sin. These believers have been baptized by emersion after salvation as a step of obedience to Him and a public display of their acceptance of Christ as redeemer. A local church is one in which believers in a certain geographical location have agreed upon a set polity which will govern them according to the Word of God.
Ordinances: We believe in the two ordinances: Believer’s Baptism (immersion in water) and the Lord’s Supper. We believe that these ordinances are not offering the individual any saving grace. We believe Baptism is a step of obedience in faith identifying one with the Lord Jesus and is done only after one has truly been born again. Any baptism before could not be recognized as scriptural since it is identifying one as a child of Christ. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial with which we look forward to when we will be with Him.
Eternal state of the believer: We believe those who have trusted the Lord Jesus for salvation do at death immediately pass into His presence.
Eternal state of the unbeliever: We believe those who have not trusted Christ as Saviour are unbelievers who will remain after death in conscious torment and at the final judgment of the Great White Throne shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, not to be annihilated, but to be punished with everlasting torments and separation from the presence of the Lord.
Statement of Separation: We believe in Biblical separation; that there is to be a difference in our lives after salvation. We are ambassadors and as such should be set apart from the world, sin, self, and Satan, and to be separated to Him for His use in the furtherance of the Gospel.